Sunday 4 March 2012

there are two qualities of Allah! which one of them do you chose for yourself??

there are two qualities of Allah! which one of them do you chose for yourself??

assalamualikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu! ^_^

"Know ye that Allah is strict in punishment and that Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. "

there are mostly three reasons, why we obey Allah:

1. in His love! in recognition of His favors! His blessings! His mercy!
2. for getting His rewards in this life and for getting His jannah in the hereafter!
3. from the fear of His punishment in this world and from the fear of His hell in the hereafter!

similarly, three reasons why we disobey Allah:

1. we dont recognize Him, His favors! His blessings! His mercy!
2. we are need free from His rewards in this life and need free or do not wish for getting His jannah in the hereafter!
3. we are fearless of His punishment in this world and fearless of His hell in the hereafter!

think! for what reason you obey Allah and for what reason you disobey Him!

like and share! and spread the word everywhere!
jazak Allah khair! ^_^

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