Friday, 16 March 2012

look at the present situation of the Muslim Ummah! Where do we stand right now in the world?

the facts speaks for themselves! look at the present situation of the Muslim Ummah! Where do we stand right now in the world? A nation which was once a super power!...why is it behind in education? in development? in technology?...etc

its an eye opener! please do read it!...

assalamualikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu ^_^

(Note: following are not exact, but estimated figures!)

<< Demographics facts>>

Muslim Population: 1.5 billion | Jewish population: 14 million
->1 billion in Asia/Mid east | ->7 Million in America
-> 440 Million in Africa | -> 5 Million in Asia
->44 Million in Europe | ->2 Million in Europe
->6 Million in America | ->100 thousand in africa

every 5th human being is a Muslim!
for every single Hindu, there are two Muslims!
for every Buddhist , there are two Muslims!
for every jew, there are 107 Muslims!


you know why?...because:

<<<In the past 105 years, 14 Million Jews have won 180 Noble prizes! whilst, 1.5 Billion Muslims have contributes only 3 noble winners!>>>


->inventions by Jews:
micro processing chip, nuclear chain reactor, optical fiber cable, traffic lights, stainless steel, sound movies, telephone microphone, video tape recorder

->Influential Global Businesses of Jews:
Polo,coca cola, Levi's jeans, sawbuck's, Google, Dell computer, Oracle, DKNY, Baskin & Robins, Dunkin Donuts

->Medical milestones by Jews:
Vaccinating needle, Polio Vaccine, Leukemia Drugs, Hepatitis B, Syphilis Drug, Neuro muscular, Endocrinology, cognitive therapy, contraceptive pill, understanding of human eye, embryology, kidney dialysis

->Jewish movers of history:
Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Karl Marx, Paul Samuelson, Milton Friedman

->Jews in the world’s most, influential intellectual/ political positions in the present and past:
US Sec of state, president of Yale university, US Federal Reserve, US Sec of Defence, USSR foreign minister, Singapore chief minister, Gov-Gen Australia, British states men , Russian PM, US politician, President Portugal, Canadian Deputy PM, French PM, British Home Sec., Australian chancellor, US Sec. of treasury.

->Global Media having Jewish influence:
CNN, ABC news, Washington Post, Time magazine, New York Times

-> Jews global Philanthropist:
George Soros, Walter Annenberg

<<Why are they so powerful? and why are the Muslims so powerless>>


-in the entire Muslim world, i.e., 57 Muslim countries, there are 500 hundred universities only, whereas only in America, there are 5758 universities, in India there are 8407 universities!

-not even a single university in the entire Muslim world features in the top 500 ranking universities of the world!

-literacy in the christian world is 90%
-literacy in the Muslim world is only 40%
-15 christian majority countries literacy- 100%
-Muslim majority countries: less then 5 %!
-98% in christian countries complete their primary
-only 50% in Muslim countries complete their primary
-40% in christian countries attend universities.
-In Muslim countries only 2% attend universities!
-Muslim majority countries have 230 scientist per one Million Muslims
-The USA have 5000 per Million
-The Christian world 1000 technicians per million
-The entire Arab world 50 technicians per million
-Muslim world spends on research/development only 0.2% of the GDP.
-Christian world spends 5% of GDP.
-In UK book titles per million is only 2000
-In Egypt book titles per million is only 17
-Export of Hi-tech technology from pakistan;0.9%, Saudi Arabia;0.2%, kuwait, morocco and algeria;0.3%
-singapore alone is 68%


Muslim world is falling to produce and apply knowledge, therefore please always promote education, educate yourself and your children, and if possible, support Muslim children who don’t have means to get the education,

Remember! We are a nation with huge potential! We just need to identify and explore ourselves! Don’t ignore a slightest diversion of your child regarding education! Because its not just your or your family’s loss! But it will be a loss to the whole Muslim Nation!

Because! We need to get independent! We need to build and utilize our own resources, potential and strength. So that we could stop relying on the west.

Like and share! And spread the word everywhere!
Jazak Allah khair!

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