Story of a mother and her child!
A mother send her child in the examination hall, the child go through the exam,after finishing the exam, he returns back to his mother, then the result is declared, his getting passed makes his mother happy and she rewards him,with chocolates and gifts... but his getting failed makes his mother unhappy and makes her punish him with various means..
And that's what it is all about.....
1.mother send her child into the examination hall:
We all have been send into an examination hall known as life, by sum1 who loves us more then any mother...i.e. .Allah..
{the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told us: “Allaah is more compassionate towards His slaves than this mother towards her child.” (Reported by Muslim).}
He has send us into this examination through our parents and its He who chooses the examination hall, the subject, the seat, the roll no , the question paper for us, as he chooses the family , the relatives, the house, the abilities , our weakness our strengths , our features...etc its He who has created us...and its He who knows us best!.
2.the child goes through the exam.
Its Allah who send us into this examination hall and its He who sets the question paper for us according to our abilities, according to our He knows us more then any one else...or in other words its only He who knows us completely, because its He who has created us!!..but!...if we think or says that, the examination paper or the problems or the trials of this life are so many or the problems are so intense or so difficult that we, cant handle them and face them! saying that we are just fooling our self...or we have been fooled by shaitan! Allah gives us trails and tests only according to our strength!. He only places a burden over us which we can actually lift and bear!..
{" On no soul doth Allah Place a burden greater than it can bear...." (Quran, 2:286)}
and if we say that they are more then what we can bear!then we are actually saying that god forbid Allah's above statement is false! now we have 2 options, either we pass the exam through the way which Allah has guided i.e.
" And certainly, We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to As-Sabirun (the patient). "(2:155)
“O you who believe! Seek help in patience and the prayer…” (2:153)
“…Bear with patience whatever befalls you….” (31:17)
“Those who repress anger, and who pardon men; verily, Allah loves the good-doers.” (3:134)
or we fails in it by disobeying Allah and falls into the traps of shaitan which are, frustration, anxiety, depression...etc .why they are the traps of shaitan?? because they weakens our faith, our trust and believe in Allah and makes us forget Him, where as Allah says:
“So do not become weak, nor be sad…” (3:139)
“And put your trust in Allah if you are believers indeed…” (5:23)
“Verily, with hardship there is relief.” (94:6)
so..if we are believers , muslims, then we should place our trust in Allah always when ever we are facing any trial!! we should not become weak and sad!..but we should obey Allah and be patient as its ordered above to us by Allah..and we should always believe that after hardship there will be relief because Allah said so and its only He who can cause trails to occur and its only He who can remove them and replace them with good!
" What Allah out of his Mercy doth bestow on mankind there is none can withhold: what He doth withhold, there is none can grant, apart from Him: and He is the Exalted in Power, full of Wisdom. "(35:2)
" Say: "Nothing will happen to us except what Allah has decreed for us: He is our protector": and on Allah let the Believers put their trust. "(9:51)
.. ""Allah (Alone) is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs (for us)"(3:173)
"I put my trust in Allah, My Lord and your Lord!....." (11:56)
"To Allah belongeth all that is in the heavens and on earth.......... for Allah hath power over all things."(2:284)
this life is an examination hall, where there are test and trials..but there is a very strong reason behind these trials:
“Or think you that you will enter Paradise without such (trials) as came to those who passed away before you? They were afflicted with severe poverty, ailments and were shaken.” (2:214)
Yes,its only through these trials, these examinations, that a person will enter the paradise, by passing in them and by proving himself through obeying Allah and following His instructions and guidance about how to pass these exams.. because its the only way of passing!...
all will return back to Allah, the time of this life is so small as compared to the hereafter that even if a person lives up to 1000 years , then also that's nothing against 70000 years of judgement day alone and the abode of hell and paradise is for eternity.
.the life is so small that when a child is born azaan is said in his ear and at his death his namaaz is offered, which resembles the small time between ajaan and namaz!.
but for meeting Allah we don't have to wait until judgement death will do it for us....and no 1 knows when will it come...but it will surely come...
Everyone shall taste death..."(3:185)
..a person will be resurrected in the state he died, imagine we committing a sin, saying words which are displeasing to Allah in frustration and anxiety falling in shaitan traps and suddenly deaths comes to us..and we died in a state of disobedience and then we are resurrected in the same state of disobedience, then what will be our state!...Allah has definitely given the strength to bear the trials of this world but He hasn't given anyone the strength to bear the trials and punishment of grave, judgement day, the heat of hell fire!...etc.think over it!
a true Muslim smiles when death meets him...because for him....its the end of the examination...a state of relief as he is going to meet Allah,he is going to have the promised blessings and rewards from Allah.but a nonbeliever hates death!..and he dislike to meet Allah
Imam Bukhari related that the messenger (S.A.W.) said, “Whoever loves to meet Allah, Allah loves to meet him, and whoever hates to meet Allah, Allah hates to meet him.”
for a nonbeliever this world is like a paradise and for a Muslim its like a hell...and after death a Muslim moves to his paradise where as a nonbeliever moves to his a Muslim tries to obey Allah in the life of this world.and he tries to seek help from Allah through sabr and prayers in trials and tests...and as Allah as promised reward for doing so..he gets happy!as he knows...after death he'll have his rewards...
Peace be upon you, because you persevered in patience! Excellent indeed is the final home!” (13:24)
4. Declaration of result.
on the judgement day ...result of this test life...will be declared and the one who has passed..will be delighted in Allah's mercy and countless! Endless so on....they will have there what ever they would wish for....but those who had failed...will be humiliated...will suffer....endless pain. and suffering...and many horrible punishments...
So we should try and try hard to pass in the tests and trials of this life, in the exams of this examination hall by believing and following what we should believe and follow...
its upon us!..we can definitely bear and face all the trails and test of our life! matter how intense they are!..because Allah had said so! He has given us the required strength to face them!
so we should pass this test by believe in Allah, obeying Him and look towards Him for help and try getting closer to Him by knowing Him more through Quran and hadith by reading and understanding them!..and then having His help and reward in this world and in the hereafter!..and hence attaining the true peace, satisfaction of hearts
"Only in the remembrance of God can the heart find peace." (13:28)
1 very important thing!..if we want Allah's help and reward!...then we should also obey Him , as its a 2 way process and its really foolish to expect Allah's help while we disobey Him! if we are not getting our prayers answered , not getting Allah's help,then we should have a check on our self on our deeds and find out, is there any sin which we are committing unknowingly or unintentionally!...then we should repent and.if till yet we have failed in obeying Allah then the doors of forgiveness are still open and the test isnt over yet!...
May Allah succeed and bless us all in both the worlds!..ameen
tk cr
A mother send her child in the examination hall, the child go through the exam,after finishing the exam, he returns back to his mother, then the result is declared, his getting passed makes his mother happy and she rewards him,with chocolates and gifts... but his getting failed makes his mother unhappy and makes her punish him with various means..
And that's what it is all about.....
1.mother send her child into the examination hall:
We all have been send into an examination hall known as life, by sum1 who loves us more then any mother...i.e. .Allah..
{the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told us: “Allaah is more compassionate towards His slaves than this mother towards her child.” (Reported by Muslim).}
He has send us into this examination through our parents and its He who chooses the examination hall, the subject, the seat, the roll no , the question paper for us, as he chooses the family , the relatives, the house, the abilities , our weakness our strengths , our features...etc its He who has created us...and its He who knows us best!.
2.the child goes through the exam.
Its Allah who send us into this examination hall and its He who sets the question paper for us according to our abilities, according to our He knows us more then any one else...or in other words its only He who knows us completely, because its He who has created us!!..but!...if we think or says that, the examination paper or the problems or the trials of this life are so many or the problems are so intense or so difficult that we, cant handle them and face them! saying that we are just fooling our self...or we have been fooled by shaitan! Allah gives us trails and tests only according to our strength!. He only places a burden over us which we can actually lift and bear!..
{" On no soul doth Allah Place a burden greater than it can bear...." (Quran, 2:286)}
and if we say that they are more then what we can bear!then we are actually saying that god forbid Allah's above statement is false! now we have 2 options, either we pass the exam through the way which Allah has guided i.e.
" And certainly, We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to As-Sabirun (the patient). "(2:155)
“O you who believe! Seek help in patience and the prayer…” (2:153)
“…Bear with patience whatever befalls you….” (31:17)
“Those who repress anger, and who pardon men; verily, Allah loves the good-doers.” (3:134)
or we fails in it by disobeying Allah and falls into the traps of shaitan which are, frustration, anxiety, depression...etc .why they are the traps of shaitan?? because they weakens our faith, our trust and believe in Allah and makes us forget Him, where as Allah says:
“So do not become weak, nor be sad…” (3:139)
“And put your trust in Allah if you are believers indeed…” (5:23)
“Verily, with hardship there is relief.” (94:6)
so..if we are believers , muslims, then we should place our trust in Allah always when ever we are facing any trial!! we should not become weak and sad!..but we should obey Allah and be patient as its ordered above to us by Allah..and we should always believe that after hardship there will be relief because Allah said so and its only He who can cause trails to occur and its only He who can remove them and replace them with good!
" What Allah out of his Mercy doth bestow on mankind there is none can withhold: what He doth withhold, there is none can grant, apart from Him: and He is the Exalted in Power, full of Wisdom. "(35:2)
" Say: "Nothing will happen to us except what Allah has decreed for us: He is our protector": and on Allah let the Believers put their trust. "(9:51)
.. ""Allah (Alone) is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs (for us)"(3:173)
"I put my trust in Allah, My Lord and your Lord!....." (11:56)
"To Allah belongeth all that is in the heavens and on earth.......... for Allah hath power over all things."(2:284)
this life is an examination hall, where there are test and trials..but there is a very strong reason behind these trials:
“Or think you that you will enter Paradise without such (trials) as came to those who passed away before you? They were afflicted with severe poverty, ailments and were shaken.” (2:214)
Yes,its only through these trials, these examinations, that a person will enter the paradise, by passing in them and by proving himself through obeying Allah and following His instructions and guidance about how to pass these exams.. because its the only way of passing!...
3.the child returns back to his mother.
all will return back to Allah, the time of this life is so small as compared to the hereafter that even if a person lives up to 1000 years , then also that's nothing against 70000 years of judgement day alone and the abode of hell and paradise is for eternity.
.the life is so small that when a child is born azaan is said in his ear and at his death his namaaz is offered, which resembles the small time between ajaan and namaz!.
but for meeting Allah we don't have to wait until judgement death will do it for us....and no 1 knows when will it come...but it will surely come...
Everyone shall taste death..."(3:185)
..a person will be resurrected in the state he died, imagine we committing a sin, saying words which are displeasing to Allah in frustration and anxiety falling in shaitan traps and suddenly deaths comes to us..and we died in a state of disobedience and then we are resurrected in the same state of disobedience, then what will be our state!...Allah has definitely given the strength to bear the trials of this world but He hasn't given anyone the strength to bear the trials and punishment of grave, judgement day, the heat of hell fire!...etc.think over it!
a true Muslim smiles when death meets him...because for him....its the end of the examination...a state of relief as he is going to meet Allah,he is going to have the promised blessings and rewards from Allah.but a nonbeliever hates death!..and he dislike to meet Allah
Imam Bukhari related that the messenger (S.A.W.) said, “Whoever loves to meet Allah, Allah loves to meet him, and whoever hates to meet Allah, Allah hates to meet him.”
for a nonbeliever this world is like a paradise and for a Muslim its like a hell...and after death a Muslim moves to his paradise where as a nonbeliever moves to his a Muslim tries to obey Allah in the life of this world.and he tries to seek help from Allah through sabr and prayers in trials and tests...and as Allah as promised reward for doing so..he gets happy!as he knows...after death he'll have his rewards...
Peace be upon you, because you persevered in patience! Excellent indeed is the final home!” (13:24)
4. Declaration of result.
on the judgement day ...result of this test life...will be declared and the one who has passed..will be delighted in Allah's mercy and countless! Endless so on....they will have there what ever they would wish for....but those who had failed...will be humiliated...will suffer....endless pain. and suffering...and many horrible punishments...
So we should try and try hard to pass in the tests and trials of this life, in the exams of this examination hall by believing and following what we should believe and follow...
its upon us!..we can definitely bear and face all the trails and test of our life! matter how intense they are!..because Allah had said so! He has given us the required strength to face them!
so we should pass this test by believe in Allah, obeying Him and look towards Him for help and try getting closer to Him by knowing Him more through Quran and hadith by reading and understanding them!..and then having His help and reward in this world and in the hereafter!..and hence attaining the true peace, satisfaction of hearts
"Only in the remembrance of God can the heart find peace." (13:28)
1 very important thing!..if we want Allah's help and reward!...then we should also obey Him , as its a 2 way process and its really foolish to expect Allah's help while we disobey Him! if we are not getting our prayers answered , not getting Allah's help,then we should have a check on our self on our deeds and find out, is there any sin which we are committing unknowingly or unintentionally!...then we should repent and.if till yet we have failed in obeying Allah then the doors of forgiveness are still open and the test isnt over yet!...
May Allah succeed and bless us all in both the worlds!..ameen
tk cr
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