Monday, 19 March 2012


when it comes to food, we all have alhamdulillah different likes and choices, some of us can even feel the taste while imagining their favorite food items! that's how much we love food! but when the food gets burn or rotten, we cant even bare its smell! isnt it? so lets  talk about a different type of food today!


assalamualikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu ^_^


The food of the people of Hell is described in the Quran. God says:

-->“No food will there be for them except from a bitter, thorny plant which neither nourishes nor avails against hunger.” (Quran 88:6-7)

The food will neither nourish nor taste good. It will only serve as a punishment to the people of Hell. In other passages, God describes the tree of zaqqum, a special food of Hell. Zaqqum is a repulsive tree, its roots go deep into the bottom of Hell, its branches stretching all over. Its ugly fruit is like the heads of the devils. He says:

-->“Indeed, the tree of zaqqum is food for the sinful, like murky oil, it boils within bellies, like the boiling of scalding water.” (Quran 44:43-46)

-->“Is that (Paradise) better as hospitality or the tree of zaqqum? Indeed, We have made it a torment for the wrongdoers. Indeed, it is a tree issuing from the bottom of the Hellfire, its emerging fruit as if it was heads of the devils. And, indeed, they will eat from it and fill with it their bellies. Then, indeed, they will have after it a mixture of scalding water. Then, indeed, their return will be to the Hellfire.” (Quran 37:62-68)

-->“Then indeed you, O those astray (who are) deniers, will be eating from trees of zaqqum and filling with it your bellies, and drinking on top of it from scalding water, and will drink as the drinking of thirsty camels. That is their hospitality on the Day of Recompense.” (Quran 56:51-56)

People of Hell will get so hungry that they will eat from the obnoxious tree of zaqqum. When they will fill their bellies with it, it will start to churn like boiling oil causing immense suffering. At that point they will rush to drink extremely hot water. They will drink it like thirsty camels, yet it will never quench their thirst. Rather their internals will be torn. God says:

-->“…They will be given to drink boiling water, so that it cuts up their bowels (to pieces).” (Quran 47:15)

The thorny bushes and zaqqum will choke them and stick in their throats because of their foulness:

-->“Surely, with us are fetters (to bind them) and a ranging Fire (to burn them), and a food that chokes and a penalty grievous.” (Quran 73:12-13)

-->The Prophet of Islam said:
“If a drop from zaqqum were to land in this world, the people of earth and all their means of sustenance would rot. So how must it be for one who must eat it?” (Tirmidhi)

Another food served to the people of Hell will be festering puss that oozes out of their skin, the discharge that flows from the private parts of adulterers and the decaying skin and flesh of those being burnt. It is the “juice” of the people of Hell. God says:

-->“So no friend has he here this Day, nor has he any food except filth from the washing of wounds which none do eat but those in sin.” (Quran 69:35-37)

-->“This – so let them taste it – is scalding water and (foul) purulence. And other (punishments) of its type (in various) kinds.” (Quran 38:57-58)

Lastly, some sinners will be fed fire from Hell as a punishment. God says:

-->“Indeed, those who devour the property of orphans unjustly are only consuming into their bellies fire.” (Quran 4:10)

“Indeed, they who conceal what God has sent down of the Book and exchange it for a small price – those consume not into their bellies except the Fire.” (Quran 2:174)
<<<imagine people swallowing these things!!!>>

may Allah save us from jahannam!

like and share! and spread the word every where!
jazak Allah khair!

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