Monday, 19 March 2012


when it comes to food, we all have alhamdulillah different likes and choices, some of us can even feel the taste while imagining their favorite food items! that's how much we love food! but when the food gets burn or rotten, we cant even bare its smell! isnt it? so lets  talk about a different type of food today!


assalamualikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu ^_^


The food of the people of Hell is described in the Quran. God says:

-->“No food will there be for them except from a bitter, thorny plant which neither nourishes nor avails against hunger.” (Quran 88:6-7)

The food will neither nourish nor taste good. It will only serve as a punishment to the people of Hell. In other passages, God describes the tree of zaqqum, a special food of Hell. Zaqqum is a repulsive tree, its roots go deep into the bottom of Hell, its branches stretching all over. Its ugly fruit is like the heads of the devils. He says:

-->“Indeed, the tree of zaqqum is food for the sinful, like murky oil, it boils within bellies, like the boiling of scalding water.” (Quran 44:43-46)

-->“Is that (Paradise) better as hospitality or the tree of zaqqum? Indeed, We have made it a torment for the wrongdoers. Indeed, it is a tree issuing from the bottom of the Hellfire, its emerging fruit as if it was heads of the devils. And, indeed, they will eat from it and fill with it their bellies. Then, indeed, they will have after it a mixture of scalding water. Then, indeed, their return will be to the Hellfire.” (Quran 37:62-68)

-->“Then indeed you, O those astray (who are) deniers, will be eating from trees of zaqqum and filling with it your bellies, and drinking on top of it from scalding water, and will drink as the drinking of thirsty camels. That is their hospitality on the Day of Recompense.” (Quran 56:51-56)

People of Hell will get so hungry that they will eat from the obnoxious tree of zaqqum. When they will fill their bellies with it, it will start to churn like boiling oil causing immense suffering. At that point they will rush to drink extremely hot water. They will drink it like thirsty camels, yet it will never quench their thirst. Rather their internals will be torn. God says:

-->“…They will be given to drink boiling water, so that it cuts up their bowels (to pieces).” (Quran 47:15)

The thorny bushes and zaqqum will choke them and stick in their throats because of their foulness:

-->“Surely, with us are fetters (to bind them) and a ranging Fire (to burn them), and a food that chokes and a penalty grievous.” (Quran 73:12-13)

-->The Prophet of Islam said:
“If a drop from zaqqum were to land in this world, the people of earth and all their means of sustenance would rot. So how must it be for one who must eat it?” (Tirmidhi)

Another food served to the people of Hell will be festering puss that oozes out of their skin, the discharge that flows from the private parts of adulterers and the decaying skin and flesh of those being burnt. It is the “juice” of the people of Hell. God says:

-->“So no friend has he here this Day, nor has he any food except filth from the washing of wounds which none do eat but those in sin.” (Quran 69:35-37)

-->“This – so let them taste it – is scalding water and (foul) purulence. And other (punishments) of its type (in various) kinds.” (Quran 38:57-58)

Lastly, some sinners will be fed fire from Hell as a punishment. God says:

-->“Indeed, those who devour the property of orphans unjustly are only consuming into their bellies fire.” (Quran 4:10)

“Indeed, they who conceal what God has sent down of the Book and exchange it for a small price – those consume not into their bellies except the Fire.” (Quran 2:174)
<<<imagine people swallowing these things!!!>>

may Allah save us from jahannam!

like and share! and spread the word every where!
jazak Allah khair!

Friday, 16 March 2012

look at the present situation of the Muslim Ummah! Where do we stand right now in the world?

the facts speaks for themselves! look at the present situation of the Muslim Ummah! Where do we stand right now in the world? A nation which was once a super power!...why is it behind in education? in development? in technology?...etc

its an eye opener! please do read it!...

assalamualikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu ^_^

(Note: following are not exact, but estimated figures!)

<< Demographics facts>>

Muslim Population: 1.5 billion | Jewish population: 14 million
->1 billion in Asia/Mid east | ->7 Million in America
-> 440 Million in Africa | -> 5 Million in Asia
->44 Million in Europe | ->2 Million in Europe
->6 Million in America | ->100 thousand in africa

every 5th human being is a Muslim!
for every single Hindu, there are two Muslims!
for every Buddhist , there are two Muslims!
for every jew, there are 107 Muslims!


you know why?...because:

<<<In the past 105 years, 14 Million Jews have won 180 Noble prizes! whilst, 1.5 Billion Muslims have contributes only 3 noble winners!>>>


->inventions by Jews:
micro processing chip, nuclear chain reactor, optical fiber cable, traffic lights, stainless steel, sound movies, telephone microphone, video tape recorder

->Influential Global Businesses of Jews:
Polo,coca cola, Levi's jeans, sawbuck's, Google, Dell computer, Oracle, DKNY, Baskin & Robins, Dunkin Donuts

->Medical milestones by Jews:
Vaccinating needle, Polio Vaccine, Leukemia Drugs, Hepatitis B, Syphilis Drug, Neuro muscular, Endocrinology, cognitive therapy, contraceptive pill, understanding of human eye, embryology, kidney dialysis

->Jewish movers of history:
Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Karl Marx, Paul Samuelson, Milton Friedman

->Jews in the world’s most, influential intellectual/ political positions in the present and past:
US Sec of state, president of Yale university, US Federal Reserve, US Sec of Defence, USSR foreign minister, Singapore chief minister, Gov-Gen Australia, British states men , Russian PM, US politician, President Portugal, Canadian Deputy PM, French PM, British Home Sec., Australian chancellor, US Sec. of treasury.

->Global Media having Jewish influence:
CNN, ABC news, Washington Post, Time magazine, New York Times

-> Jews global Philanthropist:
George Soros, Walter Annenberg

<<Why are they so powerful? and why are the Muslims so powerless>>


-in the entire Muslim world, i.e., 57 Muslim countries, there are 500 hundred universities only, whereas only in America, there are 5758 universities, in India there are 8407 universities!

-not even a single university in the entire Muslim world features in the top 500 ranking universities of the world!

-literacy in the christian world is 90%
-literacy in the Muslim world is only 40%
-15 christian majority countries literacy- 100%
-Muslim majority countries: less then 5 %!
-98% in christian countries complete their primary
-only 50% in Muslim countries complete their primary
-40% in christian countries attend universities.
-In Muslim countries only 2% attend universities!
-Muslim majority countries have 230 scientist per one Million Muslims
-The USA have 5000 per Million
-The Christian world 1000 technicians per million
-The entire Arab world 50 technicians per million
-Muslim world spends on research/development only 0.2% of the GDP.
-Christian world spends 5% of GDP.
-In UK book titles per million is only 2000
-In Egypt book titles per million is only 17
-Export of Hi-tech technology from pakistan;0.9%, Saudi Arabia;0.2%, kuwait, morocco and algeria;0.3%
-singapore alone is 68%


Muslim world is falling to produce and apply knowledge, therefore please always promote education, educate yourself and your children, and if possible, support Muslim children who don’t have means to get the education,

Remember! We are a nation with huge potential! We just need to identify and explore ourselves! Don’t ignore a slightest diversion of your child regarding education! Because its not just your or your family’s loss! But it will be a loss to the whole Muslim Nation!

Because! We need to get independent! We need to build and utilize our own resources, potential and strength. So that we could stop relying on the west.

Like and share! And spread the word everywhere!
Jazak Allah khair!

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

busy making money? piling up your wealth? saving it in a bank account?

busy making money! piling up your wealth! saving it in a bank account! buying properties! vehicles! branded cloths!

but dont have money to give it in Allah's way? Beware! read this!

assalamualikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!

".....And there are those who bury gold and silver and spend it not in the way of Allah. announce unto them a most grievous penalty- "

(at that time gold and silver were used as the currency, as today its paper money! thereby, even saving money in the banks or in the vaults at home, will come in the same category of burying it , as that time, people used to bury their wealth in order to preserve it and to make it safe and today people put their wealth in vaults and lockers! for the same purpose!)

<<<so who does that instead of spending His wealth in Allah's way! read the following!>>>

"On the Day when heat will be produced out of that (wealth) in the fire of Hell, and with it will be branded their foreheads, their flanks, and their backs, their flanks, and their backs.- "This is the (treasure) which ye buried for yourselves: taste ye, then, the (treasures) ye buried!"

(wealth is a trial to those who have it and to those who doesn't have it! as the one who doesn't have it should be patient and the one who have it should use it in a way pleasing to Allah!)

like and share! and spread the word everywhere!^_^
jazak Allah!

Friday, 9 March 2012

whom Allah doesnt love!

whom Allah doesnt love!!
assalamualikum wr wb!
"Surely Allah does not love those who exceed the limits." [2.Surah Al-Baqarah : Ayah 190]
"Surely Allah does not love the unbelievers."
[3.Surah Aal-Imran : Ayah 32]
"Allah does not love the unjust."
[3.Surah Aal-Imran : Ayah 57]
"Allah does not love him who is proud, boastful."
[4.Surah An-Nisaa : Ayah 36]
"Allah does not love him who is treacherous, sinful."
[4.Surah An-Nisaa : Ayah 107]
"Allah does not love the mischief-makers."
[5.Surah Al-Maidah : Ayah 64]
"Allah does not love those who exceed the limits."
[5.Surah Al-Maidah : Ayah 87]
"He (Allah) does not love the extravagant."
[6.Surah Al-An'am : Ayah 141]
"Surely Allah does not love the treacherous."
[8.Surah Al-Anfal : Ayah 58]
"Allah does not love the proud."
[16.Surah An-Nahl : Ayah 23]
"Surely Allah does not love any one who is unfaithful, ungrateful."
[22.Surah Al-Hajj : Ayah 38]
"Allah does not love the exultant."
[28.Surah Al-Qasas : Ayah 76]
Allah does not love the mischief-makers.
[28.Surah Al-Qasas : Ayah 77]

jazak Allah!

Whom does Allah loves?

whom does Allah loves??

assalamualikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu! ^_^

"Surely Allah loves the doers of good."
[2. Surah Al-Baqarah : Ayah 195]
"Surely Allah loves those who turn much (to Him), and He loves those who purify themselves."
[2. Surah Al-Baqarah : Ayah 222]
"Yea, whoever fulfills his promise and guards (against evil)-- then surely Allah loves those who guard (against evil)."
[3. Surah Aal-e-Imran : Ayah 76]
"And Allah loves the patient."
[3. Surah Aal-e-Imran : Ayah 146]
"And Allah loves those who do good (to others)."
[3. Surah Aal-e-Imran : Ayah 148]
"And if you judge, judge between them with equity; surely Allah loves those who judge equitably."
[5. Surah Al-Maidah : Ayah 42]
"Surely Allah loves those who are careful (of their duty)."
[9. Surah At-Tawba : Ayah 7]
"And Allah loves those who purify themselves."
[9. Surah At-Tawba : Ayah 108]
"And act equitably; surely Allah loves those who act equitably."
[49. Surah Al-Hujurat : Ayah 9]
"Surely Allah loves the doers of justice."
[60. Surah Al-Mumtahana: Ayah 8]
"Surely Allah loves those who fight in His way in ranks as if they were a firm and compact wall."
[61. Surah As-Saff: Ayah 4]
share!..and get reward!
jazak Allah khair!.

Monday, 5 March 2012

Do you know why we are humiliated! & Disgraced! in the world today?

Assalamualikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuhu

Do you know why we are humiliated! & Disgraced! in the world today? Why our children are murdered! Why our daughters are dishonored! Why we are made homeless and are treated as slave in our own countries??? Do you know the reason??

(please read it!...give it your 10 mins! coz! its worth it!)

the reason is that........

<<we have abandoned the Book of Allah! His word! The Qur’an!>>

Most of us will be like…No! that’s not true! we didn’t did that! right? I mean, we read Qur'an, we give it respect! We keep it in the highest place in our rooms! we even wrapped it with the most expensive covers! we hear the most beautiful translations of it in our cell phones, in our I pods…etc

Really?...are those the only rights which Qur'an has over us?...sure?

-we have made the Qur’an a sacred family heirloom! A treasure! That we wrap in exotic and expensive covers! BUT we haven't uninhabited it in our hearts! Which is the best of all covers!

-we recites it and listened to it in the best and most melodious of voices. BUT! We ignore or neglect the meaning of what we are reciting or listening to!

-we have placed it high above all other objects in any room, BUT! Yet it occupy the lowest station in our daily lives.

-we read it on some one’s death, BUT! We ignore it during our lives!

-we write it and print it in the fanciest of scripts and on the most expensive of papers, YET! We are heedless of its commandments and its prohibitions.

the nation to which Allah reveals His book and sends His messenger, becomes the representatives of Allah’s religion, His law and order..etc then it’s the duty of this nation to guide other nations around the world, its their duty to call people towards guidance! As they are now the protectors and preservers of Allah’s book.But! if they, themselves abandons the book of Allah and they themselves disobey Allah’s commands and his religion and if they! By their actions! misrepresent Allah’s religion! Then they themselves becomes worst then the unbelievers!

“…sell not my signs for a miserable price. If any do fail to judge by (the light of) what Allah hath revealed, they are (no better than) Unbelievers.”

"Let the people of the Gospel judge by what Allah hath revealed therein. If any do fail to judge by (the light of) what Allah hath revealed, they are (no better than) those who rebel."

Not judging according to the Allah’s book is one category of abandoning it! When people judge their matters, according to something/someone else, and thereby they ascribe partners to Allah’s judgement or to His book and thereby to Allah! Other categories of abandoning Allah’s book are:

-The scholar Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah have said,” there are various types of ‘abandonment’ of the Quran:
1.To abandon listening to it and believing in it.
2. To abandon acting upon it and ignoring its lawful and prohibited ordinances(halal and haram)
3. to abandon judging by it, and restoring to it as a judge when there are differences in the essence of the religion or other matters.
4.To abandon pondering over it and understanding it and seeking the explaination of it!
5. to abandon using it as a cure in all types of dieseases of the hearts, and instead to seek to cure these disease by other means!

<< all of these statements are included in the following ayah of Quran:>>

“And the Messenger (Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) will say: "O my Lord! Verily, my people deserted this Qur'an (neither listened to it, nor acted on its laws and teachings)”
(sura al Furqan:30)

Now how many of these types of abandonment are we guilty of?? Any answers??...

The Quran has several rights over us:
1. we should read it and understand it!
2. what we have read and understood, we should apply it in our daily lives and we should obey it in our actions of our daily life!
3. we should call others to the teaching of Quran and to its obedience as well!

-->as The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "The best among you are those who learn the Quran and teach it (to others)."
(Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 6, Hadith 545)

so whats wrong with us?...that we do want to be the best at our school! The best at our colleges! The best at our working place! In our family and relatives! But we don’t want to become the best amongst our Muslim nation???

What is wrong with us that we don’t obey Allah when he says:

"And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allah (i.e. this Qur'an),..”

As said by Dr Muhammad Iqbal:
"Wo Mu'aziz Theh Zamane Mein MUSALMAN Hokar Aur Hum Khwar Hue Tareek-E-QURAN Hokar"
(Your ancestors were honored for being Muslim. And you are miserable for leaving the Quran.)

-->And as said by the prophet (peace be upon him),” Indeed, Allah will honour people(i.e., in this world and the Hereafter) by this book, and He will debase others by it,”(Muslim)

How true are the above statements for the Muslims of today!!

So if we want to regain that honor! That pride! That status! We should return to the book of Allah! We should return to The Quran! And give its rights! And again hold that rope which we have released from our hands!

But those! who still didn’t! do it!

Those who are feeling secure in their homes! In their daily lives! In their occupations! Who loves TV serials, movies, shopping malls, clubs, partying more then Allah and His Prophet(peace be upon him) And who are carefree of the condition of the Muslim Ummah today!.... then…

"Say: If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your kindred, the wealth that you have gained, the commerce in which you fear a decline, and the dwellings in which you delight are dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger, and striving hard and fighting in His Cause, then wait until Allah brings about His Decision (torment). And Allah guides not the people who are Al-Fasiqun (the rebellious, disobedient to Allah)." (9:24)

And then you know what will happen! You will be in the news! Like the other muslim around the world are today!..

"And what is wrong with you that you fight not in the Cause of Allah, and for those weak, ill-treated and oppressed among men, women, and children, whose cry is: "Our Lord! Rescue us from this town whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from You one who will protect, and raise for us from You one who will help."

Sunday, 4 March 2012

there are two qualities of Allah! which one of them do you chose for yourself??

there are two qualities of Allah! which one of them do you chose for yourself??

assalamualikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu! ^_^

"Know ye that Allah is strict in punishment and that Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. "

there are mostly three reasons, why we obey Allah:

1. in His love! in recognition of His favors! His blessings! His mercy!
2. for getting His rewards in this life and for getting His jannah in the hereafter!
3. from the fear of His punishment in this world and from the fear of His hell in the hereafter!

similarly, three reasons why we disobey Allah:

1. we dont recognize Him, His favors! His blessings! His mercy!
2. we are need free from His rewards in this life and need free or do not wish for getting His jannah in the hereafter!
3. we are fearless of His punishment in this world and fearless of His hell in the hereafter!

think! for what reason you obey Allah and for what reason you disobey Him!

like and share! and spread the word everywhere!
jazak Allah khair! ^_^

Divorce! please Don’t make it a trend!

Divorce! please Don’t make it a trend! Although its Allowed! but, its also the most hated lawful act by Allah!

This post is for all the beautiful Muslim couples! Please read it!

Assalamualikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!
Although divorce Is allowed in Islam, but its also the most hated lawful thing in the sight of Allah, therefore it should be taken as the last option , when no other option is left! rather making it a trend!!!
--->The Prophet (peace be upon him) said
"The most hateful of all lawful things, in the sight of Allah, is divorce."
(Abu Dau’d’s)
One should not give divorce in anger or in rage as the anger is from shaitan and the divorce is the most pleasing act to him!
and he is an enemy to you!!!
--->The Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said that Shaytaan (the devil) sits on his throne daily and dispatches his agents to work among human beings. One of the agents returns and says that I made a certain person commit a sin, another says I got so and so involved in this offence. Upon listening to all this Shaytaan says that you have done nothing great. Eventually one representative comes and says that I saw a husband and wife extremely devoted to each other. I sowed the seeds of enmity between them. On hearing this Shaytaan becomes happy and embracing his agent says that you have achieved something great.
Rather you should control your anger! And most importantly! to beat your wife is not in any way, an act of courage or pride rather,
its the most cowardliness act of all!!!
--->"He is not strong who throws people down, but he is strong among us who controls himself when he is angry." [Bukhari and Muslim]
If you dislike an act or a habbit of your wife then you should be patient! As it may be that some other act or habbit of her would be good!
You should be kind to her!!!
--->"Live with them on a footing of kindness and equity. If you take a dislike to them, it may be that you dislike a thing while Allah brings about through it a great deal of good."
[Qur’an 4:19]

Allah has created your spouses, so that you would find tranquility with them and Allah has put love and mercy between you!
Realize it!!!
--->"Among His signs is the fact that he has created spouses from among yourselves, so that you may find tranquillity with them; and he has put love and mercy between you…."
[Qur’an 30:21]
They are your garments and you are their’s, so,
conceal and preserve them!!!

--->"They (wives) are garments for you, while you are garments for them."
[Qur’an 2:187]
And just like a garment conceal and preserve your modesty, your purity, your weaknesses. etc so should you too!
Remember! The best amongst you are those who are kindest to your wife!

--->"…The best among them are those who are kindest to their wives." [Bukhari and Muslim]

And lastly a beautiful hadith for mashallah all the beautiful couples!
may Allah preserve your relation!!! Ameen!
--->When a husband and wife look at each other with Love, Allah looks at both with Mercy" [Bukhari 6:19 & Tirmidhi 14:7]
like & share! & spread the word everywhere!
jazak Allah khair! ^_^